The “Girl Power” Lie and How Motherhood Freed Me From ItI am a nineties baby. As a young girl, I proudly learnt about things like “girl power” and feminism.Apr 26, 2020Apr 26, 2020
‘XIN CHÀO’ MAGAZINE SHARES STORIES OF THE VIETNAMESE-AMERICAN EXPERIENCEXin Chào magazine (XC) is a burgeoning media platform which sits at the intersection of Vietnamese and American identities. Regardless of…Apr 25, 2017Apr 25, 2017
Stones in the RoadHe hadn’t actually touched her, so it didn’t count. He was angry. He was drunk. He didn’t understand. Maybe she didn’t understand. Maybe…Apr 25, 2017Apr 25, 2017
A Different Kind of FightEver since I threw my first punch, I’ve been hooked. Something about Muay Thai answered a question I didn’t realise I had inside of me…Apr 25, 2017Apr 25, 2017
Published inCode Like A GirlLearning to code == Learning about communityIt’s June 1, 2016, and the day after returning from PyCon 2016. Now seems like a good day to officially declare to myself, and the abyss of…Jun 2, 2016Jun 2, 2016
A love letter to IBS (and a few tips if you’re new to the club)IBS. That’s irritable bowel syndrome to the uninitiated.Jan 25, 2016Jan 25, 2016
Kettle Corn, the Food Metaphor for Relationship BalanceAfter watching the final episode of Aziz Ansari’s “Master of None”, aptly titled “Finale”, I am really appreciating the reality of my own…Nov 24, 2015Nov 24, 2015
Romanticising Muay Thai“I am definitely not going to cry”, I thought to myself, after seeing someone who tweets about Muay Thai post a link to this video, saying…Nov 17, 2015Nov 17, 2015
She can’t breathe“I love the sound of the rain”, I said, “I love being inside and watching it rain. It makes me feel like wearing big jumpers, reading good…Oct 27, 2015Oct 27, 2015
The Education EquationWhen the wife beater is your friend, and the frequenter of prostitutes is someone you respect, lines become blurred.Feb 22, 2015Feb 22, 2015