Code Like A Girl

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He’s Like That With Everyone


And that’s the problem.

Image from pxhere

Hands up if you’ve ever worked in an office with a man who acts like he owns the place and everyone in it, and seems to go out of his way to let everyone know it? Wow, that’s a lot of hands, and I know how reluctant us ladies are to put ourselves forward, so I’m guessing that’s everyone. And I bet, when a complaint has been made about God’s Gift To Technology, the response has been something along the lines of “oh, that’s just how he is”, or “he’s like that with everyone”.

He’s like that with everyone? Really? Is he like that with the CEO? Does the firm dare allow him within 500 yards of a client? Well, some of these guys are like that with everyone, and some are a little more selective in who they shove around. But no matter who he treats badly (allegedly everyone), this is still a problem. His behaviour is creating a toxic environment, and everyone has to put up with it.

He might be an obnoxious superstar that is only ever evaluated on his positives, or he might be just a mediocre arsehole that no-one’s ever got round to firing. But for whatever reason, he’s become part of the furniture, and these men are everywhere. He’s picked up the message that he is entitled to behave this way, and the environment keeps reinforcing the message by allowing him to carry on doing it.



Published in Code Like A Girl

Welcome to Code Like A Girl, a space that celebrates redefining society's perceptions of women in technology. Share your story with us!

Written by Kacy Preen

Journalist, author, feminist. Reading the comments so you don’t have to.

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