Pandemic-driven Digital Transformation Opens Door for More Women in Tech

Tracey WelsonRossman
Code Like A Girl
Published in
4 min readJun 28, 2021


Disney Streaming product manager Miribel Tran offers advice for young women searching for careers and how industry professionals can assist them

Miribel Tran is a product manager for Disney Streaming Services, that entertainment empire’s business unit darling for its performance during the pandemic. Disney’s accelerated shift towards digital experiences and transformation because of the COVID-19 outbreak is one being mirrored by many more companies in many other industries.

For Tran, this broad business move signals a need for more and new types of talent, creating a unique once-in-a-generation opportunity to recruit more women into the field of technology.

The lack of women in tech is no secret, and a reality that most want to change — both to make businesses more competitive and to provide women with paths to lucrative, wealth-creating careers. The number of women entering computer science programs and the field had begun to slowly rise before 2020, but nowhere near fast enough to fill the gap in the field or reverse the overall trend.

Enter the pandemic. Tran says the resulting emphasis on digital transformation is creating a seismic shift in the types of jobs desired by companies — potentially opening the door for women to enter tech through a range of new hard- and soft-skill positions, including a growing number of non-coding roles.

Highlighting these types of jobs has long been a mission for Tran because it’s how she entered the field. She began her studies as a pre-med major but caught the tech bug during her freshman year at Stanford University after attending a number of speaking events hosted by tech entrepreneurs, founders, and executives. Their mindset and the problems they wanted to solve resonated with her.

After taking on an internship at an e-commerce startup in Hong Kong the summer after her sophomore year, she was committed to a career in tech. She met with a number of mentors to learn about potential jobs in the space and set her sights on becoming a product manager.

Tran believes other women can follow similar paths into the digital economy that do not rely on coding skills, especially now as the industry is hungry for a new infusion of talented people with multiple types of skills. The opportunities are broad, with roles possible in user experience design, search engine optimization (SEO) marketing, data analysis, project management, and more.

Tran suggests that women interested in a career in tech do three things to enhance their chances of landing a job.

Self-Assessment and Job Research

With such a wide range of possible jobs and specialties, she says it’s important that women realistically assess their skills or strengths and then map them to available jobs. Tran suggests thinking about the types of activities or interests that are most appealing as a starting point for researching career options.

With an idea of possible industries or roles in mind, tap personal networks or LinkedIn to find alumni, leaders, and working professionals who can share more insight and clarity on specific opportunities. Those insights should help provide a real appreciation for what the day-to-day experience of that job could be.

Chart a Custom Path

Given the explosion in needs and skills, women should not feel locked into prescribed courses of study or learning. Instead, they should remain open to tailoring an academic path — whether in college or when changing jobs — that helps build the specific skills and knowledge base best suited for a particular career. Tran also advises women to be flexible as interests or needs may change over time, potentially requiring several iterations of a curriculum.

Build a Portfolio Through Side Projects

For those trying to break into tech for the first time, it can be discouraging to lose opportunities because of a lack of real-world experience. Tran says to be aggressive about creating learning scenarios. Go the extra mile by picking up side gigs, volunteering to help nonprofits with tech development projects, or other creative ways to hone skills and build a portfolio.

Importantly, Tran points out that the onus is not all on the job seekers. She says that those of us already in the industry can be doing more to help young women understand opportunities in tech and to support them on a path to finding jobs within it.

Become a Visible Role Model

It’s impossible for young women to pursue careers they do not realize exist. Female tech workers should make themselves visible in a real way within their local communities. Speak at high schools, volunteer to help Girl Scouts with a tech badge, or serve as a mentor to women’s groups on university campuses.

Sponsor “Shadow Days” or Company Internships

Give students and job seekers a chance to learn what really happens at a tech company. These programs help women get a fuller picture of what the work entails and how it is part of the larger company effort. Proactively engage with local high schools, colleges, and women’s groups to construct these opportunities and provide hands-on learning opportunities.

Remember the Parents

Oftentimes, parents are the forgotten advocates when trying to teach young women about careers in tech. Parents have a powerful position of influence on their children and be an important part of education or career decisions. Consider sharing tech industry insights and opportunities with parents’ groups or sponsoring career learning days for parents at local high schools.

Ultimately, the move to digital is here to stay. Behaviors and needs embedded over the last year will not be easily unwound. The deep bench of tech talent required to power and sustain this shift is a chance to help lift women out of pink-color careers and into tech-related ones. Tran says we all need to do our part to make tech diversity a reality.



Mom, Wife, CMO of Chariot Solutions, Founder of Journal My Health Music Lover, and Founder of Opinions are my own