Power to Soar: My Time at Women in Tech Breakfast

Let’s set the stage: It was Friday, September 28th and I was freezing due to wearing too little clothing yet again. The venue, Evolve Her, looks like something out of a casual TED Talk lobby. There were chairs, tables, and refreshments. What stood out to me was the wall of images and a section that was covered in fake vines and had a neon sign that said “Fuel Your Passion”.
The talks were about ten minutes each with a total of five speakers. The speakers in order were, L’Oreal Thompson, Colleen Egan, Karriane Wardell, Jeanne Riedy, and Deena MeKay. They gave wonderful advice. Here is some of it.
L’Oreal Thompson — Imposter Syndrome
Refer to your brag book/list of accomplishments.
Always remember how you got here and do not let Imposter Syndrome take over your now and future.
Write a break-up letter to your inner critic.
Watch how to talk to yourself.
Do you constantly lift yourself up or put yourself down?
Trust your dopeness.
Trust your talents and skills. They reached out or hired you for a reason.
Colleen Egan — Leadership
‘You are limitless’
Be resilient in mind, body, and spirit.
Also, read your audience.
Expand your mind every day.
Don’t be afraid of new challenges.
Give back in your limitless life.
Pro bono, Non-Profit, volunteer, etc.
Align yourself with limitless people, they will lift you up when you’re down.
Live a limitless life, it will pay back in spades.
People first, company second, money third.
Always put people first when dealing with companies, the money will follow.
Karianne Wardell — Reinventing Yourself
Figure out what you love
Personally or professionally — make a list.
What are you highly skilled at?
What is popular/What are the trends?
What is the combination of your love, skills, and trends?
Jeanne Riedy — Finding a job/role
Apply for a job that doesn’t exist
Networking = polite stalking
Ask for informational interviews
Ask for 10–20 minutes of their time to ask questions and to let them know that you are on the market.
Deena McKay — Advice for 5 years ago
1. Be bold and courageous.
2. Always bet on yourself.
3. People don’t know everything.
4. Perfection does not exist, but gratitude does.
5. Make sure to mind your business.
I hope the advice from these amazing women helps you the way it has helped me.