Want to Contribute to Code Like A Girl?

Here’s What You Need to Know

Dinah Davis (She/Her)
Code Like A Girl
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2016


We would love to add your story to our publication. This means your story become part of Code Like A Girl and will be associated with the publication’s name and existing content.

Your story will then become part of our followers’ reading lists, appear on their homepage, and app stream.

We will promote your article through social media sites like twitter, Facebook and Hacker News.

To read more about our publication and the articles we publish, check out our article Spread Your Words with “Code Like A Girl.”

Are you under 18 years of age? If so consider including only your first name on your medium account, and not publically linking it to your social media accounts. This can help protect you from unwanted attention and trolling of your personal sites. If you would prefer to post anonymously we can also facilitate that.


Contact Information: info@codelikeagirl.io

Sign up here to become an english writer:


Please see the following article for how to apply to become a Portuguese writer or translator.

Contact: brazil@codelikeagirl.io


Please see the following article for how to apply to become a Spanish writer or translator.

Contact: espanol@codelikeagirl.io

Add Your Story to the Publication

After we make you a writer you can follow these steps for submission to our publication.

Thanks for considering Code Like A Girl a worthy home for your work. We’d love your feedback on our publication and if you like it, we’d appreciate a follow and even sharing it with your friends.



Founder of Code Like A Girl. I write about Women In Tech, Scaling Development Teams, Cyber Security, and my journey recovering from an eating disorder.